Press Brake Backgauge Retrofitting Solutions

With a high-tech controller, a press brake can achieve exceptional beam movement accuracy. However, a precise and reliable back gauge is essential for both simple and complex sheet metal bends. While most modern machines come equipped with quality back gauges, many older models are limited by poorly designed or single-axis units, which hinder their performance. Over decades of industry advancement, the optimal layout for back gauges and fingers has been fine-tuned, guaranteeing high-quality results across a range of press brake geometries.

Provides critical, high-precision stop points for accurate bending.

Moves the back gauge fingers up and down in sync with the X-axis, establishing precise stopping points for even basic geometries and preventing collisions with the die. The controller automatically accounts for die height, allowing the fingers to approach just above the die before gently lowering.

Z1 and Z2 Axes
Enable automatic lateral positioning of the back gauge fingers during bending, ensuring ideal alignment and enhanced performance.

Additional axes beyond X, R, Z1, and Z2 offer even greater potential, especially when working with 3D graphics for polygonal and non-linear geometries. Commonly, 6-axis systems are used, where each finger operates independently as X1, R1, Z1 and X2, R2, Z2.

We provide a standard back gauge with X and R axes, along with built-in infrastructure for easily retrofitting Z1 and Z2 whenever needed. For polygonal parts, an H1 axis retrofit is also available, moving a stop finger in the same direction as the X-axis to create precise stopping points for diagonal bends. Even without Z1 and Z2 activated, a standard 4-finger back gauge supports at least two bending positions for more complex parts.

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